The Ammonia Monitor aims to count every existing ammonia plant and potential capacity expansion that’s been announced. The data come from public sources (which I cite), filtered through my personal opinions (on, for example, a project’s likelihood).
The charts below show how the ammonia industry is changing; they do not predict the future, but present a snapshot of the state of play today. The charts are generated the moment you visit this page, so include the latest updates. They will change every time I enter new information into the database.
HINT: Mouse-over or click the charts to see the data.
How likely are the announced projects?
How much ammonia are we talking about?
When will it go into production?
Which are the likely projects?
Are they new plants, expansions, or restarts?
Who owns this ammonia?
What feedstock will this ammonia use?
Hi, do you know if any ammonia plants are using electrolysis instead of natural gas to produce hydrogen to create ammonia nitrate?
Hi Tyler,
KIMA in Egypt is (was) the only industrial ammonia plant that used electrolysis, but I believe it recently converted to natural gas. All the information about the hydroelectric powered process is still on their website:
Hi, when you state that hydrogen represented 1.8 % of the ammonia feedstock in 2011 does this mean taht this hydrogen was produced by elektrolysis ?
No – that would be byproduct hydrogen from ethylene production.