Tag: 2020

West Terre Haute, IN — Phibro

UPDATED: 04/18/2018 — see Change Log

OWNER: Philipp Brothers Fertilizer (Phibro LLC / Energy Arbitrage Partners)
PROJECT: Ammonia plant conversion

SUMMARY STATUS: Planning Phase
In January 2016, investors announced plans to re-establish Phibro, the storied commodities trader. Five months later, in May 2016, Phibro announced its intention to purchase the gasification units of a decommissioned "clean coal" power plant, which it would use to produce ammonia from petroleum coke. Since then there has been scant news, except of preparations for debt financing and staff hires, but project developers describe solid progress. In April 2018, the project submitted its air permit application.

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Monmouth, IL – Midwest BioEnergy

OWNER: Midwest Ammonia Inc (Midwest BioEnergy Ltd)
PROJECT: Brownfield ammonia plant

SUMMARY STATUS: Planning Phase
Midwest BioEnergy is planning a series of small waste-to-ammonia plants at municipal and industrial sites in the heart of the ammonia fertilizer market. The Monmouth plant will be the "proof of concept." Some equity in place; debt financing secured, contingent upon equity investment.

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Kenai, AK — Nutrien

UPDATED: 02/27/2018 — see Change Log

OWNER: NutrienPROJECT: Idle plant, Ammonia-urea restart

SUMMARY STATUS: Planning Phase
Nutrien continues to evaluate whether to restart one of the two ammonia-urea lines at its export-oriented plant in Alaska. Originally, in 2013, Agrium had intended to make its investment decision by early 2015. The project received its first environmental permits in 2015 and continued permitting in 2016. It garnered state tax incentives in 2016 and 2017, with local incentives under discussion in 2018. Agrium's decision to restart the plant was, however, totally dependent on new availability of natural gas from the nearby Cook Inlet, which has not yet materialized. In January 2018, Nutrien was formed through a "merger of equals" between Agrium and PotashCorp that was originally announced in September 2016.

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